Build a Video Marketing Strategy With 8 Easy Steps

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Video is no longer an up-and-coming content marketing trend—it’s an integral part of many companies’ marketing plans. After all, it’s how people today are spending a 3rd of their time: watching online video content on major social media websites such as YouTube, Facebook, Instagram etc.

There is no doubt that, video is a powerful tool for reaching and engaging your target audience.


  • 5 billion videos are watched on YouTube every single day
  • 1200% more shares are generated by social videos than text and images combined
  • Marketers who use video receive 41% more web traffic from search than non-users
  • 52% of marketing professionals worldwide name video as the type of content with the best ROI

Below are the 8 secrets to creating successful video content. We hope these tips will always help you as you plan and create your own video content.

1. Identify Your Target Market

For your all videos to be effective, you should identify the market segments that you want to reach and then try to understand what their needs and wants are. This is one of the first things to do when launching a video marketing strategy and it will help you to be more successful. Knowing your target markets also helps you to create specific and relevant objectives that you want to achieve for your business.

2. Make Short Videos

Short videos or Reels are popular on YouTube and other social media channels and they often lead to more conversions especially when they cover all the key points and have a call to action.

Viewers are likely to click and watch a short video and they are also likely to watch them to the end unlike videos that stretch for 20-30 minutes or more. However, your videos should be as long as they ought to be, to make sure you cover all major points – but keep them shorter wherever possible.

3. Run a Video Ad Campaign

After creating and posting your videos to YouTube, you should promote them in Adwords to get some views and traffic to your website. This is especially helpful when the video and your YouTube channel are still new and you have no followers and traffic. You can create a video campaign in Adwords and link your Adwords and YouTube accounts and then start promoting your videos.

Here is the list of best video ad campaigns of year 2021:

4. Include Keywords in Title

Visitors on YouTube search using keywords to find videos and if you include the keywords in the title and description, your video is more likely to come up with good search results in terms of both traffic and impressions. As your channel grows and gains popularity, your rankings will definitely increase and your videos will appear at the top of the search results. Your videos will also start to appear in Google search results which will boost your traffic.

For example, if you want to focus “Digital Marketing” as a keyword, then your YouTube Video titles should be like this:

  • Learn Digital Marketing In 10 Easy Steps
  • What Is Digital Marketing?
  • Digital Marketing Course – Beginners to Advanced
  • All About Digital Marketing Explained
  • Free Digital Marketing Course
  • Career in Digital Marketing and Start Earning
  • Social Media Marketing and Digital Marketing Course for Beginners

5. Website Posting

After posting it to YouTube, Vimeo and other video sites, you should post it to your website to get more traffic views. Many people don’t like to read and they will prefer to watch a video or a film instead, so you should be targeting these prospects.

This is especially true on the internet where people are almost always in a hurry and will not hang around to read your content. Video also leads to greater engagement, and people are more willing to leave comments to express their views and opinions.

6. Create an Outline

Your description is where you should describe what your viewers will learn about in your video. It will help them to stay longer and know what to expect as they watch it. You should include a synopsis of the video in the description and a call to action, and this will help them remember your video and do what you require them to do after watching it.

Focus on your goals, topic, and takeaways when developing your outline. Always write down a handful of key points that are important for your video before you shoot.

7. Track Key Metrics

Video has some unique metrics that you won’t find with other traffic sources and these include Views, View rate, and Average CTR. One of the easiest to understand is “video played to” – which shows how long your video played for. So, you can see what percentage of your video was played to 25%, 50%, 75% and 100%. This helps to see how effective your video is and how engaged people are with it.

Below is the list of other key metrics that also matters:

  • Watch Time
  • Average Percentage Viewed
  • Average View Duration
  • Audience Retention
  • Re-watches
  • Engagement
  • Impressions Click-Through Rate
  • Card Click-Through-Rate
  • Playlist Engagement
  • Unique Viewers
  • Views Per Unique Viewers
  • Who’s Watching Your Videos
  • Subscriber Growth

Furthermore, don’t forget to create an event in Google Analytics to track how many views and interactions you get.

8. Give Away Free Offer

Including a free offer with your videos will increase traffic to your website and lead to greater visitor retention. Include a link in the description to your site and also include it in the video itself, so that your visitors can click-through to your website to receive it and then create an opt-in form that they can sign up to as they claim the offer.

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