Finding The Right Project On Upwork

Find Right Project Upwork Freelancing Onlinehyme

Searching for projects (and setting up your job feed) is easy. It’s also an important part of becoming an active and engaged member of Upwork. This helps ensure that you never miss out on projects you’re a great fit for.

  1. Pick a skill
    Enter a skill (or two) into the search bar to find projects that match your talents.
  2. Set filters
    Use filters of the Search Results Page to find a more-targeted jobs.
  3. Add to Job Feed
    After setting your search preferences, add it to your Job Feed so you can have an ongoing, updated list of new projects that match your preferences.

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Fixed-price vs. hourly projects

On Upwork there are two types of contracts. Here’s how they compare.

Hourly Fixed-Price
On hourly contracts you’re paid by the hour, making this a preferred option when your project requires flexibility. Examples of projects that can work well on an hourly basis include Customer Service and Technical Support.

Hourly contract payments are protected by Hourly Payment Protection. Here’s how:

  1. Agree to the number of authorized hours with your client via the offer details page.
  2. Install and track all your project time using the Upwork Team App.
  3. Add descriptions and notes of your work to your time log.
  4. Quickly communicate with your client, and request approval for, any changes needed to your authorized hours.
On fixed-price contracts you’re paid a fixed amount for a project deliverable, or set of deliverables. This option is ideal when the work is more clearly defined. Examples of projects well suited for fixed-price contracts include Web Design and Mobile App Development.

Fixed-price contracts are protected by Fixed-Price Payment Protection. Here’s how:

  1. Agree to one or more project milestones with your client — clearly outlining what you’ll deliver, when you’ll deliver it, and for how much.
  2. Before starting any work on the project, wait until a milestone is funded and the money is held in escrow.
  3. Submit your work through the Upwork platform.
  4. Make sure you’ve been paid for a milestone, and that the next one is funded, before continuing work.

Submitting a proposal and interviewing

Now that you’re ready to submit proposals to clients, here’s how the process works:

  1. Find a project you like and press the “Submit a Proposal” button.
  2. Review the number of Connects required to submit a proposal, and your Connects balance.
  3. Read below for tips on writing a winning Proposal.
  4. Enter your offered rate, write a cover letter, add attachments (if any), and send the proposal.
  5. The client will review proposals and contact freelancers for interviews.
  6. The client may propose a paid “test project” to get a better idea of your skills. This is a great way to find out how well you’ll work together. Just be sure to agree upon pricing terms before you begin. There are no free test projects on Upwork. This is a violation of our policy.
  7. After everything is discussed, the client will send you an offer. Review it, accept it and start working.

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Writing a Winning Proposal

You can make a strong first impression with your proposal. Introduce yourself, highlight your skills and experience, and tell the client why they should award you the project. It’s your opportunity to show that you understand the project and are qualified for the project.

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Here are ideas to write a stellar proposal that works well with clients and leads to interviews:

  1. Be specific
    Keep it short and to the point. Briefly tell the client about your relevant skills and experience. Showcase specific examples of your experience related to the client’s projects.
  2. Get answers up front
    Ask clarifying questions about the project. You’ll show your understanding and demonstrate the value you’ll bring to the project.
  3. Provide requested information
    Some clients might ask you to answer a specific question, or to include a keyword in your cover letter. This helps them filter out generic, “copy and paste” proposals. Look for these directions and follow them.
  4. Proofread, edit, and deliver
    Did you address all the criteria and answer the client’s questions? Have you added relevant links to samples of your work? Do a final grammar and spelling check before you hit “Send.”

Suggest a Price

On Upwork, freelancers always set and negotiate their own rates. You can even set a different fixed or hourly rate for each proposal you submit. Just change the default rate in the proposal before you hit the “Send” button.

To decide your price for fixed-price contracts, some freelancers find it makes sense to start with an estimate of how long it will take to finish.

Here’s one way to do it:

  1. Break the job into phases
    For instance, building a website may include five of them: planning, design, development, review, and testing.
  2. Calculate your charge
    For each phase, calculate your charge by estimating the time it will take to complete, including revisions.
  3. Add it all up
    Add up the estimated cost of all phases (plus a little extra to account for unexpected issues).
  4. Consider profit vs. risk
    In deciding on a final amount, consider any additional profit desired or risks that you might take on.

project rate quote onlinehyme

Submit & Carry On

Once you’ve submitted your proposal, you may receive a notification that the client would like to set up an interview (or maybe even engage with you immediately). In some cases you may not hear anything back at all.

Clients are not required to respond to all proposals, so keep your options open by also submitting proposals to other projects.

Complete the Interview

If the client requests an interview, reply quickly with your availability and find a meeting time that works for you both. This will increase your chances of winning the project. If your potential client is in a different time zone, be prepared to interview at a time that is outside the traditional 9-to-5 window.

Interviews can be text-based through Upwork Messages or Skype, or over the phone. So agree to a method that works best for both of you. Make sure you understand how the interview will be conducted (for example, voice vs. Upwork Messages text), so you can prepare in advance.

Here’s some tips to make the most of your interview:

  1. Be flexible
    Time zones and communication preferences vary with each client. Be willing to adapt to the client’s time and interview requirements.
  2. Do your homework
    Research your client and their project, so you can have a meaningful conversation about their business. Before starting, write down a few project-specific questions.
  3. Be professional
    Talk about your accomplishments, and ask questions about the engagement, in a way that is respectful and polite.
  4. Be honest
    If you don’t know the answer to a question (or don’t like the answer you have to give), be honest. Misleading a client will lead to a bad experience for everyone.
  5. End on a positive note
    Ask if there is a deadline for hiring, so you’ll know when the client will make a decision. Also, don’t forget to thank them for considering your proposal.

After the interview:

  1. Provide additional info
    If you promised to send some extra details or a link to a portfolio piece during the interview, do so promptly. It’s easier to do it right after the conversation.
  2. Always follow up
    Send a short note and reiterate on the agreements made during the conversation (if there are any).

Source: A Freelancer’s Guide to Upwork

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