Tornado Cash Developer Alexey Pertsev Sentenced to 64 Months for Money Laundering

Tornado Cash

In a landmark ruling, Alexey Pertsev, a developer for the Ethereum-based crypto mixer Tornado Cash, has been sentenced to 64 months in prison by a Dutch court. The court found Alexey Pertsev guilty of money laundering charges, marking a significant development in the regulatory landscape of the cryptocurrency sector.

Alexey Pertsev, a 31-year-old Russian national, was accused of laundering $1.2 billion of crypto through Tornado Cash. The indictment stated that between July 9, 2019, and Aug. 10, 2022, Alexey Pertsev made “a habit of committing money laundering” and that he should have at least suspected the criminal origins of illicit transactions on the Tornado Cash platform.

The court ruling stated, “Tornado Cash does not pose any barrier for people with criminal assets who want to launder them,”. This verdict underscores the increasing scrutiny of cryptocurrency platforms by regulatory authorities worldwide.

This case has drawn significant attention due to its potential implications for other developers in the crypto space. Other developers of Tornado Cash, Roman Storm and Roman Semenov, also face allegations of money laundering and sanctions violations in the U.S. Storm is expected to face trial later this year.

The sentencing of Pertsev serves as a stark reminder of the legal risks associated with the development and operation of cryptocurrency platforms. As governments worldwide grapple with the challenges posed by the burgeoning crypto sector, this case could set a precedent for future legal actions against developers in the industry.

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